Complete List: Colleges In Iowa

Looking for a complete list of all schools in Iowa? We've compiled every single college in IA here, with important data points like SAT/ACT score, average GPA, and admission rate %. Using our tool, you can find the best colleges in Iowa for you.

You can choose which data you want to show in the table. You can even narrow down the list of colleges in Iowa by setting cutoffs for each data point!

How to Use This Page

  1. Fill in your current SAT/ACT score and GPA.
  2. Check the items you want to see in the table.
  3. Click the header to sort. Click the red X to remove the header.
  4. Click the name of the school to find out how to get in.
Here's a quick demo (keep scrolling down to get started):

Click the "Show Filters" button to get started!

Enter your scores and GPA

We'll use this to calculate your personal admission % for each school.

Pick your test: SAT ACT

Test Score
Your GPA
Admission %
This is the admission rate of the school.
Your Admission Chances
GPA Average
SAT Average
ACT Average
Deadline: Regular Decision
Common Application Accepted?


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Data on this page is sourced from Peterson's Databases © 2024 (Peterson's LLC. All rights reserved.) as well as additional publicly available sources.

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