GMAT Sentence Correction questions involve sentences that are long, heavily punctuated, and very confusing. Test makers create these convoluted sentences on purpose to make it harder for students to find and identify sentence errors.
In this video, we’ll go over the number one trick for Sentence Correction GMAT questions that will help you catch these hidden grammar errors in sentence structure, agreement, tense, parallelism, idioms, and more.
First, we’ll learn that the trick to cracking these difficult GMAT Sentence Correction questions is to simplify the sentence by cutting extra, descriptive information out of the sentence. Then, I’ll explain the two steps to cutting out extra information:
- getting rid of pieces of the sentence that are set off by commas.
- getting rid of adjective and adverb phrases.
To illustrate these two steps, we’ll walk through how to apply them in context of a real, 700-level GMAT Sentence Correction question taken from the GMATPrep Software released by GMAC. Finally, we’ll use our new, simplified sentence to identify critical grammar errors and solve the problem.
Watch the video to learn more!
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Happy GMAT Sentence Correction studies!