The 8 Best Free GMAT Prep Resources (and 3 Cheap Ones)


Need to prepare for the GMAT on a budget? Look no further.

In this article, I’ve collected the eight best free GMAT prep resources available, as well as three great inexpensive practice materials if you have a bit of cash to spend. GMAT practice materials can get expensive fast, but with these resources, you won’t break the bank prepping for the exam. Continue reading “The 8 Best Free GMAT Prep Resources (and 3 Cheap Ones)”

5 Top Tips for Using the GMATPrep Software


If you’re preparing for the GMAT or getting ready to prepare for the GMAT, you’ve likely heard about GMATPrep, the software that’s one of the most essential tools for studying for the GMAT.

In this guide, I’ll give you an in-depth look at GMATPrep software and talk about exactly what makes it an important part of your GMAT preparation. I’ll also discuss the ways it can and can’t help you, so you can supplement your use of GMATPrep with other materials as needed. Finally, I’ll offer several tips for how to make the most of GMATPrep as you study.

Continue reading “5 Top Tips for Using the GMATPrep Software”

Kaplan GMAT Book Review: Is It Right For You?


There are a lot of options out there for GMAT prep. You can purchase online programs, books, apps, flashcards, and more. It can be hard to determine which prep option is the best for you.

In this guide, I’ll give you an in-depth look at one of the best selling GMAT prep books out there: Kaplan GMAT Premier 2017. First, I’ll talk about what makes a good GMAT prep book. Second, I’ll give an overview of the Kaplan GMAT review book, including what’s in the book and how much it costs. Next, I’ll talk about the pros and cons of the Kaplan GMAT book. Then, I’ll help you decide whether or not this book is the right one for you. Finally, I’ll tell you how to get the most out of the Kaplan GMAT book if you choose to purchase it.

Continue reading “Kaplan GMAT Book Review: Is It Right For You?”

The Best GMAT Diagnostic Test + 13 Tips to Plan Your Prep

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So you’re ready to start studying for the GMAT! Great…but how do you start? The best way to kick off your exam prep is with a GMAT diagnostic test, which will help you see where your score is starting off, how much you need to improve, what kinds of prep resources you’ll need, and how to craft the perfect study plan for yourself.

In this article, I’ll go over where to find the best free GMAT diagnostic test, how to analyze your test results, and tips for customizing an effective study plan just for you.

Continue reading “The Best GMAT Diagnostic Test + 13 Tips to Plan Your Prep”