If you’ve reached this guide, you’re probably getting ready to commit to a study plan for the GMAT. If so, congratulations! Committing to a study plan for the GMAT is an important endeavor and can often require a significant investment of time, mental energy, and money. For many people just starting out, creating a GMAT study plan can also seem confusing or overwhelming.
In this guide, I’ll help ease your confusion by explaining how to use GMAT study plans to structure your test prep. First, I’ll talk about why creating a study plan is important. Next, I’ll talk about the top factors to consider when you’re creating your GMAT study schedule. Then, I’ll give four sample plans that are designed to fit different amounts of score improvement and lengths of time. Finally, I’ll talk about how you can create your own study plan if you’d rather create your own schedule.
By the end of this guide, you’ll have everything you need to craft a solid GMAT study plan.
Continue reading “How to Make a GMAT Study Plan: 4 Sample Schedules”