GRE vs SAT: 13 Key Differences


GRE vs SAT: sounds like an epic action movie, right? If you’ve taken the SAT and are currently preparing to take the GRE, you might be wondering how different (and how alike) these two exams really are. After all, both exams contain separate concentrations on reading, writing, and math. But does this mean the GRE is just a regurgitation of what’s on the SAT? Or is the GRE harder than the SAT?

Follow along in our GRE vs SAT guide as we take a look at the 13 key differences (and a few similarities!) between two of the most famous standardized tests. We’ll also investigate how difficult the GRE and SAT really are compared to each other, as well as whether or not your SAT scores can ultimately predict your GRE performance.

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SAT to GRE Conversion: Does One Predict the Other?


SAT to GRE conversion: is it possible? Sure, the two exams aren’t identical, but there’s no denying they’ve got a few similarities. Both the GRE and SAT test you on the same major skill sets: reading, writing, and math. But does this alone mean there’s a way for us to convert SAT scores to GRE scores? Is there any SAT-GRE correlation at all?

Read on as we investigate the complex relationship between SAT and GRE scores. In addition, we’ll show you how you can convert your SAT scores to GRE scores and vice versa using percentiles!

Continue reading “SAT to GRE Conversion: Does One Predict the Other?”