GRE Prep –
Frequently Asked Questions
How does your score guarantee work?
We guarantee after completing your program if you do not see a 7 point increase over your previous GRE score, we’ll give you all of your money back. To our knowledge, this is the highest score increase guarantee in the world backed up by a full refund. We can do this because we’re so confident that if you follow our customized course to completion, you’ll be best prepared to get a great GRE score.
Tell me more about your free trial. Is it really free?
Yes. Our free trial gives you access to our entire course for 5 full days at no cost. During these 5 days, you can access everything our course has to offer, there is nothing gated or hidden just because you’re a free trial user. You’ll have a chance to take our diagnostic test and see your customized study plan. We do need a valid credit card for this free trial and during those 5 days, we will put a hold on your card so please make sure you have sufficient funds on your card before signing up for the free trial. Please note that for select debit cards belonging to banks with stricter financial policies, this “hold” can be displayed as a charge on your statement, but rest assured that your charge will not be processed for the first 5 days and you can cancel at any time within the free trial period. If you’re unhappy for any reason, email us at [email protected] within 5 days of signing up and we’ll gladly release the hold placed on your card. If you do not email to cancel, we’ll automatically charge your card 5 days after your diagnostic exam or within 20 days after you sign up.
How are you customizing my study plan?
Our customization is what makes our GRE program unique and, we believe, superior to every other GRE test prep in the world. The algorithm driving your customization is specifically designed for the GRE and developed by Harvard Ph.D.s specializing in using machine learning to optimize learning. This is our proprietary technology and why we so strongly believe you won’t find a better GRE course than this one.
Other test prep courses talk about customization, but they really only give you 2 to 3 static options to choose from, rather than a custom course designed just for you; people with very different learning needs end up grouped together, and nobody gets the study plan that best helps them. On the other hand, our course is truly a custom one, backed up by the most advanced data science and using tens of millions of data points from real students to figure out the best study plan for you. Furthermore, your course doesn’t just customize once: it is continuously updated to make sure we’re always optimizing your study path at any point in your journey.
No two students are alike at PrepScholar, so prepare to get an ideal study plan that is statistically predicted to maximize your GRE score in the shortest amount of time. We do all the planning for you so you can follow our step-by-step guide and never have to worry about anything except learning the materials. It’s that simple.
Will my practice prepare me for the real GRE?
Yes, to an extreme degree. We are a team of top 1% GRE scorers and most of us have decades of award-winning teaching experience. We’ve spared no expenses and put in a lot of work into making sure that your practice material with PrepScholar accurately reflects what is tested on the real, most updated GRE test. Some of the GRE courses out there wrote their GRE question years again and do not currently reflect the newest GRE, so watch out!
We have 72 adaptive drill quizzes and more than 2,000 GRE questions that accurately reflect different formats and tricks and traps seen on the real GRE test. We also include questions of all difficulty levels (from the most basic to the most advanced) so you’ll get a range of practice depending on your current level.
Since the GRE is a computer adaptive test, everything on our diagnostic test, quizzes, and official practice tests simulate the real GRE testing experience in terms of question-wording, difficulty level, adaptive behavior, time limitation, and more.
Do I need to buy other books, upgrade, or pay more to see other materials?
No, you don’t. The price is all-inclusive. It includes all materials, fees, and applicable taxes. There are no mandatory fees, surcharges, books, or other items that you need to purchase in addition to the base price you see when you sign up. We believe that every student deserves to get the best material right away, so we don’t hide anything and charge you more for it later.
Other test prep courses offer premium plans where they hide their best material, or they offer advanced courses where they hide their advanced questions. We don’t do that. Our course contains only the best and everything you need to get a great GRE score from beginning to end. We customize the course for you so that you’re always studying at your peak level all the way until you crush the GRE.
Should I get the best-selling or the lifetime plan?
Totally depends on where you are in your graduate school application process. If you aren’t sure when you’ll be applying, and just want to study and get the GRE out of the way first, then the lifetime plan might be the right option, because you’ll have unlimited access to it. Want to wait a few years before applying to grad school again? Not a problem; the program is here when you need it.
Do I need to have taken the test before? Do I need to prepare before I take this course?
Many of our students are first-time GRE test-takers, so if you’re ready to start studying you should sign-up now. Our lessons start at exactly where you are capable of doing and we go up from there. We’ll teach you everything you need to know about the GRE from beginning to end. No other preparation is needed.
Am I the right type of person to use PrepScholar?
Anyone taking the GRE can use PrepScholar, but it’s ideal for people who fall into one of the following categories:
- You’re a busy student or professional: If you have classes, a job, or other priorities in your life that take up time, and you must fit GRE prep in between, then PrepScholar is ideal for you.
- You care about efficient studying: Are you looking to spend the minimum amount of time possible to hit your target score? If you want a great GRE score but also want it fast, then PrepScholar is THE program for you.
- You can’t seem to improve anymore: Maybe you’ve already started studying for the GRE and were improving in the beginning, but you’ve since flatlined, and you’re still a few points shy of your target score. Then PrepScholar is the perfect option for you—our diagnostic test is designed to find out your exact weaknesses on the GRE and customize a plan for you to turn them into strengths!
- You’re overwhelmed and lost; you want guidance: This is totally understandable. The GRE is a really complex standardized test (did you know there are 6 question formats for Reading Comprehension alone?!). It can feel overwhelming to have all the information thrown at you all at once. PrepScholar is a great option for those looking to get step-by-step guidance. Every week, we’ll assign you specific lessons to study, and we’ll rank them in a prioritized order so you’ll know which one to start first. We’ll also tell you exactly when you need to take a practice test, so you’ll get the practice you need without wasting too much time mindlessly doing tests instead of learning and improving your skills.
- You prefer to study on your own: If you don’t need to attend a class with other students and speak to a teacher face-to-face, or if you actually prefer to study at your convenience, then PrepScholar’s GRE course is ideal for you. We excel at customizing your course to your strengths and weaknesses and are totally flexible to accommodate your schedule.
How many hours do you need to finish the program? How many weeks do I need, minimum or maximum?
Our program is different from any other test prep course out there in that we don’t measure success by time. Our evaluation is based on the progress you make on our GRE skills, and our program is considered complete when you level up through all the skills from core to advanced to mastery. We’ve had students come to us after hundreds of hours of studying and still feeling confused about where they are. PrepScholar makes it clear exactly what you’ve accomplished and how far you have to go.
Having said that, even when you get your ideal study schedule from us, you still need to put in the time to study in order to improve. We typically recommend a baseline of 40 hours total. The baseline needed varies greatly from person to person, so it’s hard for us to say exactly how long you’ll need without first seeing your performance on our diagnostic test. However, we do recommend that you put in a minimum of 40 hours (and preferably 100 hours total) into studying for the GRE. For example, if you plan to take the test in two months (60 days) then you’re encouraged to spend 1 to 3 hours a day on the program. Notice that this is far less time than most students spend studying for the GRE, and you’ll be able to get an even higher score with PrepScholar. Our past students have gotten great scores on the GRE after studying for as few as 3 weeks or as long as several years.
Do you teach strategies as well as content?
Yes. In each lesson, we go over baseline content, but we also go over common ways the GRE traps students and how to strategize around those traps.
Also, we have an entire set of lessons geared towards general strategies. These cover a range of topics, like how to spot answer traps, how to avoid careless mistakes, and how to deal with time pressure.
Do I need to pre-schedule time for the program? Can I work on the program any time I like?
You can use our program just like you use the rest of the Internet: you do NOT need to schedule anything beforehand. Everything is accessible whenever you like, whether it’s 6AM, 4PM, or 11PM. Work as many hours per week as you’d like, or as few as you’d like. Pause the program whenever you’d like, even in the middle of a lesson or test.
Is it all online? Do I need to drive to a prep center? What other equipment do I need?
The program is 100% all online. You do NOT need to drive anywhere or meet in any prep centers.
All you need for our program is an internet connection and a modern computer—generally, any computer from the last 10 years is fine.
What types of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or any debit card you have. We process our transactions through PayPal, so your card info is safe.
How many times will I be charged?
You will be charged only one time for any paid plan. We don’t store your credit card information, so we definitely won’t charge you on a monthly basis or anything like that. It is a one-time thing, all in—you have my word.
Why don’t you offer a 1-month or 6-month course?
The cost of our course is the same whether you need to study for 2-weeks or 1 year. The value of our course resides in getting you to achieve your dream score and not in how long we allow you to access our course. Whether you have a year left to prepare for the GRE or only 2 weeks to cram, our best-selling course is equally valuable. Got a 7-point increase? Your money is more than well spent. Didn’t get a 7-point increase? We refund 100% of your money back. We want you to ace the GRE as fast as possible, but if you want to plan ahead and study a little each day, or if you want to study a lot in a short amount of time, both are fine with us. We deliver results, which are backed up by a strong score increase guarantee.
Why don’t you offer section-specific courses?
Similar to the above explanation, our course is here to help you achieve your dream score increase whether it’s on one section or both. We measure the value of our course by the result and not by how much material we release to you. If you need a 7+ point increase in Verbal only (or Quant only), the same course can be customized to guide you to achieve that goal. If you don’t achieve it, you don’t need to pay.
If you know that you only need to improve specific skills across each section, our course can help you identify them and turn your weaknesses into strengths with your customized course.
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