Grad school prices can cause a real case of sticker shock—so you want every dollar you can get to offset the cost! Many graduate school scholarships are school-specific, but that’s not your only option for grad school funding. In this categorized list, we have tons of scholarships that students of all types can apply for. There are graduate school scholarships for women, graduate school scholarships for minorities, STEM scholarships, teaching scholarships and many, many more! We’ll also provide some advice for picking the best grad school scholarships for you to apply for.
Table of Contents
The scholarships:
- Graduate School Scholarships for Anyone
- Grad School Scholarships for Studying Abroad
- Graduate School Scholarships For Women
- Minority Graduate School Scholarships
- LGBT Graduate Scholarships
- Religious Graduate Scholarships
- Scholarships for Veterans
- STEM Scholarships for Graduate School
- Arts and Design Grad School Scholarships
- Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarships
- Professional School Scholarships
- Grad School Scholarships from Membership Organizations
- Miscellaneous Graduate School Scholarships
4 Tips for Choosing the Right Scholarship for You
Graduate School Scholarships: An Overview
As mentioned in the introduction, most graduate school grants and scholarships are awarded by specific schools. Outside of this, scholarships for grad school seem scarce on the ground, especially when compared to the huge numbers of college scholarships available for high school students.
However, there are still a number of scholarships of various award sizes available. This is especially true if you are a diverse candidate or have particular academic interests.
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It’s probably not a surprise there hear that there are a variety of graduate school scholarships for women and many minority graduate school scholarships. And there are a plethora of STEM scholarships available. But did you know there are also scholarships for studying acoustics, for religious individuals, and for budding library scientists? There are scholarships for graduate school with many different eligibility requirements, so don’t count yourself out without seeing what’s out there.
To help you in your funding search, we’ve compiled a list of almost 50 graduate school scholarships in various categories. Please note that this is primarily a US-focused list, with most scholarships either for those pursuing study within the US or for US citizens studying abroad. However, there are some scholarships that international students studying outside the US can apply for!
Some of these scholarships are regional, but I’ve also avoided listing scholarships that are too intensely location-specific (for example, to a specific metro area). But I encourage you to look for location-specific scholarships for students from your hometown, county, or state!

Graduate School Scholarships for Anyone
Anyone pursuing advanced study can apply for these scholarships for graduate school. Open contests like the ones below tend to have more modest awards, but they can definitely add up! Scholarships are listed alphabetically.
Ayn Rand Institute Atlas Shrugged Essay Contest
The Ayn Rand Institute sponsors multiple annual essay contest scholarships for students of all levels. Graduate students may enter the Atlas Shrugged contest.
Award: $50-20,000
Due Date: 2018 date not yet posted; 2017 date was May 10, 2017.
- Essays must be written in English
- Entrant must be a 12th-grader, college undergraduate or graduate student at contest deadline
Application Components
Essay of 800-1600 words answering one of the following prompts:
- “Francisco d’Anconia says that the “words ‘to make money’ hold the essence of human morality.” What does he mean? What are today’s prevalent moral attitudes toward money? Do you agree with Francisco’s view? Explain why or why not.”
- “Atlas Shrugged is both a celebration of business and a defense of it against widespread attacks. Judging from the novel, as well as from Ayn Rand’s essay “What Is Capitalism?” and her speech “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business,” why does she think business should be defended and championed? What does she think is a proper defense of business, and why?”
- “Ragnar Danneskjöld says he loves that which has rarely been loved, namely, human ability. What do you think he means? How does his position relate to the idea: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need”? Do you agree or disagree with Ragnar’s attitude? Explain.”
Eve’s Addiction Scholarship
Jewelry vendor offers an annual scholarship for all students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program.
Award: $1500
Due Date: 2017 applications were accepted from February 1, 2017-April 28, 2017. 2018 application dates have not yet been posted.
High school senior or anyone planning on attending an undergraduate or graduate program in the US in the fall following the application period.
Application Components
Applicants need to answer the following prompt: “If your dream job only allowed you to apply via Twitter, write the 140-character limit Tweet of why you would be the ideal candidate.”
Giva Student Scholarship and Worldwide Community Ambassador Award
Giva, a service management software company, sponsors a scholarship for undergraduate and graduate students to help them “further their education as well as expand their social responsibility and community service footprint in the world.” According to most recent updates on their website, scholarships are not currently being offered, but may return in the future.
Award: $1000
Due Date: Normally June 1 and Dec 1 every year.
Must already be an enrolled student in an undergraduate or graduate program
Application Components
- Application form
- Resume
- Essay between 600-1000 words on the following question: “How will you use your talents and education to make the world a better place for future generations? What are your career and personal goals and why?”

Grad School Scholarships For Studying Abroad
These very prestigious and highly competitive graduate school fellowships and scholarships fund US citizens pursuing education abroad. These application processes are long and involved, typically taking place almost an entire year before graduate study commences. Some even require institutional nomination if you are still an undergraduate. Scholarships are listed alphabetically.
Endeavor Scholarships and Fellowships
The Endeavor program, sponsored by the Australian Department of Education and Training, provides funds for international students to pursue graduate study in Australia.
Award (Values in AUSD)
- Up to $15,000/semester in tuition
- $3000 travel allowance
- $4000 establishment allowance
- $3000 monthly stipend
- Health and travel insurance
Due Date
2017 applications opened in April and closed on June 30; 2018 application dates not available yet.
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- Applicants must be over 18 when fellowship program period commences
- Must be a citizen or permanent resident of a participating country (US is a participating country)
- Must not have already started the proposed program
- Must not have previously received an Australian-government sponsored fellowship.
Application Components
- Application form
- Transcripts
- Multiple essays
- Proof of admission to Australian institution
- 2 recommendations
Fulbright Study/Research Fellowships
Fulbright Study/Research Fellowships allow individuals to design study and/or research projects (which may or may not involve study towards a graduate degree) in a foreign country. Program requirements vary by host country, so be sure to read up on those requirements if you are interested!
- Transportation to and from host country
- Living stipend
- Health insurance
- May also include full or partial tuition
Due Date
Due date for 2018-2019 awards cycle is October 26, 2017.
- US citizenship
- Must have bachelor’s degree before start of grant
- Must be in good health
- Adequate proficiency in language of the host country
- Note: You cannot conduct clinical/medical research with this grant
Application Components
- Application form
- Personal Statement
- Grant project proposal
- Foreign language certifications
- References
- Transcripts
- Affiliation letter (from host institution in country)

George J Mitchell Scholarship Program
The US-Ireland Alliance sponsors up to twelve Mitchell scholars annually for one year of graduate study in any field in an educational institution in Ireland. (However, note that for 2018-2019 Northern Ireland is not available). Applicants are selected based on scholarship, leadership, and their commitment to public service.
- Tuition
- Accommodation
- Stipend for living expenses and travel
Due Date
Due date for 2017-2018 cycle is 29 September 2017.
- US Citizen
- At least 18 years of age but not yet 30 on September 30th of the application year
- Will complete bachelor’s degree before beginning Mitchell Scholar study
Application Components
- Video interview
- Transcripts
- Personal statement up to 1,000 words
- 4 recommendations
- Institutional endorser contact info (if undergraduate)
Marshall Scholarships
Marshall Scholarships allow US citizens to undertake graduate study in any field abroad in the United Kingdom.
Award: Tuition, fees, and stipend for 1-2 years of study in the UK
Due Date: 2018-2019 applications due October 2, 2017.
- US citizenship
- Have a bachelor’s degree from the US completed by the commencement of the grant period but obtained no earlier than April 2015
- Have an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.7
Application Components
- Application form
- Transcript
- Personal statement (1,000 words)
- Essays about proposed course of study and improving US-UK relations
- Four recommendation letters

Graduate School Scholarships For Women
There are a number of scholarships available specifically for women. These scholarships are often to encourage women to pursue study in fields where women are underrepresented, like business and STEM. Scholarships are alphabetical.
Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarships
Zonta International sponsors this scholarship to promote women’s entrance and advancement into business careers.
Award: $1000-$7000
Due Date: Initial application must be submitted through your local Zonta club, which will typically have an April or May deadline.
Women pursuing a business or business-related graduate program
Application Components
- A recommendation from a faculty member in your field
- A recommendation from an employer, volunteer supervisor, or academic advisor
- A 500-word essay
- Transcripts
- Application form
Society of Women Engineers Scholarships
Scholarships for women pursuing post-secondary education in engineering.
Award: $1000-$5000
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Due Date: February 15, 2017
- Must identify as female
- Must be planning to study full-time at an ABET-accredited program (undergraduate, master’s, or PhD) in engineering, computing, or technology for the coming year
- Must not already have full funding for all tuition, fees, and supplies
Application Components
- Resume
- Transcript
- Essay
- Two recommendations
- Financial Information
Women Techmakers Scholars Program
Formerly the Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship Program, Google sponsors this scholarship to promote gender equality in computer science by cultivating female leadership in the field.
Award: $10,000 and attendance at the annual Google Scholars’ Retreat
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Identify as female
- Enrolled at an accredited university for 2017-2018 and enrolled or accepted for the 2018-2019 academic year in a Bachelors, Masters, or PhD program
- Studying computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related field
Application Components
- Background information
- Resume
- Transcript
- Two letters of recommendation
- Four essay responses

Minority Graduate School Scholarships
There are many graduate school scholarships for minorities, especially for minority groups in fields where they are underrepresented. Scholarships are listed alphabetically; note that some of these grad school scholarships for minorities are available only to specific groups while others are open to members of all racial and ethnic minorities.
AIGC Graduate Fellowship
The American Indian Graduate Center funds need-based fellowships for graduate and professional study of Native American descent.
Award: Up to $5000/year
Due Date: June 1, 2017
- Enrolled member of a federally recognized American Indian or Alaska Native group or have documentation of descent (¼ degree verifiable federally recognized Indian blood)
- Able to demonstrate financial need
- Pursuing full-time graduate or professional study
Application Components
- Answer the following essay prompt: “The Mission of AIGC is to “build, promote and honor self-sustaining American Indian and Alaska Native communities through education and leadership.” Please write a 500-word (or less) statement that best describes how receiving an AIGC Fellowship will help you to continue this mission in your community upon completion of your degree program. This statement may be utilized to match you with additional funding resources (based on availability of funds).”
- Unofficial Transcripts
Goldman Sachs MBA Fellowship
This merit-based fellowship is offered by Goldman Sachs for 1st-year business school students who are Black, Hispanic, or Native American in order to increase interest in financial careers among minority MBA students.
Award: $25,000 (in addition to Summer Associate salary)
Due Date: N/A
1st year Black, Hispanic, or Native American business school students
Application Components
In order to apply, you need to interview to be a Summer Associate at Goldman Sachs for your first summer after starting an MBA. All successful, eligible Summer Associate applicants will be evaluated for the fellowship!
HCA Corris Boyd Scholars Program
The Hospital Corporation of America sponsors this program for graduate students of color accepted to CAHME-accredited graduate programs in health administration and related fields.
Award: $40,000 (paid in 4 installments)
Due Date: April 17, 2017
- Full-time student of color who is a US citizen or permanent resident
- Accepted into CAHME-accredited graduate program for the upcoming school year
- Minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA
Application Components
- Program information
- Academic information
- Test Scores
- Resume
- Personal statement (up to 1200 words)
- 3 letters of recommendation
- Financial information
- Transcripts

Monsanto Graduate Student Scholarship
Monsanto offers this merit-based scholarship to minority students studying STEM and hoping to have careers in food and agriculture.
Award: Up to $25,000
Due Date: May 1, 2017
- Minority students who are US citizens or legal residents
- Must be enrolled/admitted in STEM-focused Master of Science program
- 3.0 minimum GPA
- PhD Candidates not eligible
Application Components
- Application form
- 3 recommendations
- 300-word personal statement describing career goals and interest in STEM
- College transcript
National Hispanic Health Professional Student Scholarship Program
This national scholarship program is aimed at Hispanic students studying for careers in health care.
Award: $2000-$10,000
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Enrolled in an accredited dental, medical, pharmacy, nursing, public health or health policy program for the coming year
- Interested in Hispanic health
Application Components
- Essay
- Recommendation
- Transcript
- Resume
Xerox Technical Minority Scholarships
Xerox offers scholarships to minority group members pursuing technical degrees at the bachelor level or higher.
Award: $1000-$10,000
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- US citizen or permanent resident who identifies as a racial/ethnic minority
- Full time student in a technical science or engineering field
- Have at least a B average
- Have tuition/expenses not already covered by scholarships or grants
Application Components
- Application
- Resume

LGBTQ Graduate Scholarships
There are a number of scholarships and grants for graduate school available for members of the LGBTQ+ community. I’ve listed two major ones here, but there are also many smaller, more specific or local scholarships for LGBTQ students.
Point Scholarships
The Point Foundation sponsors need-based scholarships for LGBTQ students pursuing post-secondary education in the next year.
Award: Average award $10,000/year; renewable up to 4 years
Due Date: 2017 due date was January 31; 2018 dates not yet available
- Must be enrolled full-time for the following academic year at a college or university in the US in a degree-granting program
- Must identify as LGBTQ
Application Components
- Video
- Essays
- Application form
Pride Foundation Scholarships
The Pride Foundation offers a single application that allow applicants from the Pacific Northwest to be considered for over 50 scholarships for LGBTQ individuals and allies who show leadership potential, lack an LGBTQ community support system, face additional barriers to their education, and have financial need.
Award: Up to $12,000
Due Date: October 2017
- Applicants must reside in the Northwest (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, or Washington)
- Must be pursuing post-secondary education the following school year
Application Components
- Transcript
- Resume
- Optional recommendation letter
- Essay

Religious Graduate Scholarships
Religious-affiliated organizations often sponsor scholarships for graduate students of that religion. These are typically smaller awards, but the more specific the criteria, the less competition you are likely to face. A selection are listed alphabetically below.
Jewish Community Centers of North America Graduate Scholarship Program
The JCC Association of North America sponsors this scholarship program for graduate students to prepare for a career at a Jewish Community Center.
Award: $10,000/yr up to two years
Due Date: 2017 due date was February 1; 2018 dates not yet available
- Pursuing first Master’s degree full-time in a field relevant to JCC employment
- Commitment to work at a JCC for at least two years after graduation
- Commitment to do a field placement at a JCC during program
- Prospective graduate program must be in North America
Application Components
- Application form
- 3 recommendations
- Essay
- Case study
Roothburt Fund Scholarships
This scholarship fund was created by Albert and Toni Roothbert to help students studying in the US with demonstrated financial need who are “motivated by spiritual values.”
Award: $2000-$3000
Due Date: February 1, 2017
- Student in the United States living or planning to study in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, West Virginia, or North Carolina motivated by spiritual values
- Preference given to those pursuing careers in education, but students in any field allowed to apply
Application Components
- Essays
- Transcripts
- Recommendations
- Interviews for finalists
Stanfield and D’Orlando Scholarships
These three scholarships, administered by the Unitarian Universalist Church, are for UU members studying art or law. Selection criteria are primarily related to UU involvement and financial need.
Award: Not specified; varies by year
Due Date: February 15
- Must be member of a UU congregation
- For law scholarship, student must be attending law school (not pre-law)
- For art scholarship, student must be undergraduate or graduate attending school for fine (not performing) arts
Application Components
- Transcripts
- Resume
- Recommendation from a church official
- Other recommendation
- Essay
- Financial statement
- Portfolio (for art applicants)

Scholarships for Veterans
There are many scholarships available for veterans, current US military members, and their families. Here are two significant scholarships for graduate school of this type.
PNC Serving with Integrity Scholarship
PNC and the Student Veterans Association partner to offer this scholarship to student veterans who exemplify “serving with integrity” and are studying finance, business administration or related fields.
Award: $10,000
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Honorably discharged from active duty or currently serving in the Guard or Reserve
- Able to provide proof of military service
- Studying finance, business or a related field
Application Components
- Transcript
- Resume
- Recommendation
- Personal Statement
- Essay
The Tillman Scholars Program
This merit-based award for military personnel and their spouses is sponsored by the Pat Tillman Foundation. Scholars are selected based on demonstrated service, academic and professional ambition, personal achievement, and leadership.
Amount: Average of $10,000/yr; renewable
Due Date: Applications for 2017 open February 1, 2017 and close March 1, 2017
- A veteran or active-duty member of the military (all branches eligible) OR spouse of a veteran or active-duty service member (includes surviving spouses)
- Full-time student in US institution getting a Bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree
Application Components
- Documentation of military service (or community service for spouses)
- Resume
- Two essay questions
- Character recommendation

STEM Scholarships for Graduate School
Fortunately for people studying STEM, there is lots of STEM-specific funding available! Here’s a selection of some pretty hefty STEM graduate school scholarships, listed alphabetically.
Acoustical Society of America Fellowships and Scholarships
ASA offers several scholarships for graduate students engaged in the scientific study of acoustics.
Award: up to $30,000
Due Date: Varies depending on scholarship
Varies depending on the scholarship, but must be studying acoustics.
Application Components
Most ask for references, academic information, and essays
Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship Award
The Hertz Foundation sponsors fellowships for PhD students of the applied sciences.
Award: Full tuition and fees plus a $32,000 stipend; renewable up to five years
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available; likely to be fall 2017
- US citizen or permanent resident studying (or intending to study) applied physical, biological, engineering, or math.
- Not currently beyond the first year of PhD study
- Willing to make a moral commitment to place skills at the disposal of the US in “time of national emergency”
Application Components
- Personal statements and essays
- Publications
- GRE Scores
- Recommendations
- Transcripts

National Physical Sciences Consortium Fellowship
The NPSC is a partnership between government agencies, industry, and higher education aiming to increase the number of diverse American citizens with graduate education in physical sciences and engineering fields.
- Free tuition and fees
- Annual $20,000 expense allowance (up to 6 years)
- One-two paid summer internships with a government agency
Due Date
Dates for next cycle not yet available
- US citizen intending to pursue or currently pursuing relevant graduate work at NPSC member institution of higher education
- Does not already have a doctorate
Application Components
- Academic information
- Employment history
- References (3-5)
- Honors and awards
- Research experience
- Personal statement and professional goals
- GRE scores
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The National Science Foundation funds American master’s and doctoral students in STEM and STEM education fields. They especially encourage applications by women, minorities, persons with disabilities, veterans, and undergrad seniors.
- $34,000 stipend for three years
- $12,000 annual tuition and fees support for three years
- Additional opportunities for research and advancement
Due Date
Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident intending to pursue a master’s or PhD in STEM
- Have completed no more than twelve months of any full-time graduate program by application date
- Have not previously applied for the GRFP
Application Components
- Personal statement
- Statement on graduate research plans
- 3 references
- Academic transcripts

Arts and Design Grad School Scholarships
There’s definitely not as many major funding sources available for graduate studies in art and design as in STEM, but there’s still some out there! Here are some graduate school grants and scholarships for art and design fields, listed alphabetically.
Frank Huntington Beebe Fund for Musicians
This fund, established by the trust of Frank Huntington Beebe, provides fellowships for US-based musicians to study and travel abroad.
Award: $22,000
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Young professional musicians based in the United States who have not spent an extended amount of time abroad
- Must be younger than 30 on July 1, 2017
Application Components
- Application form
- Transcripts
- Two letters of recommendation
- Second round: Audio samples and/or scores of performance
- Third round: Live audition
IFDA Educational Foundation Student Scholarships
The International Furnishings and Design Association Educational Foundation sponsors two scholarships for which graduate students are eligible: the Vercille Voss Graduate Student Scholarship (graduate students only) and the Ruth Clark Furniture Design Scholarship (for undergraduates and graduates).
Award: $2000-3000
Due Date: Accepted between March 1-March 31
- For Vercille Voss: Graduate students who have completed at least 4 college-level design courses at time of application, majoring in interior design or related field.
- For Ruth Clark: Full-time undergraduate or graduate students who have completed at least 4 college-level design courses at time of application, majoring in interior design or related field.
Application Components
- Transcript
- Proof of enrollment
- Complete Application Form
- 200-400 word essay on goals
- Additional requirements for Ruth Clark:
- Five original furniture designs
- Recommendation from professor
Vectorworks Design Scholarship
This is a design contest scholarship offered by Vectorworks, a design software company. Contest applies to any design-related field, using any design software, and any design type.
Award: 3000-7000, plus a suite of Vectorworks software for your institution’s lab
Due Date: July 15, 2017
Graduated no earlier than 2015 with design-focused degree OR enrolled/accepted for undergraduate or graduate studies in design. Design includes architecture, engineering, urban design, graphic design, landscaping, industrial design, event planning, and other fields.
Application Components
- Design submitted in PDF, .mov or .mp4 file, no more than 100 MB
- Several short answers explaining your design

Humanities and Social Sciences Scholarships
Much like art and design, humanities and social science fields don’t have as many major funding sources available as STEM. Awards tend to be modest.
DAR Centennial Scholarship
The Daughters of the American Revolution funds this merit-based award for graduate students studying historic preservation.
Amount: $2500
Due Date: Must be postmarked by February 10
- Must be US citizen
- Pursuing graduate study in historic preservation at a U.S. institution
Application Components
- Application form
- 1,000-word personal statement
- Resume
- Transcripts
- Two-four recommendations
- Financial need form
ISI Graduate Fellowships
The Intercollegiate Studies Institute’s fellowship program is for students who intend to go into teaching in academia. A second fellowship offered by ISI is for students doing graduate work on the American founding.
Award: $5,000-$15,000
Due Date: 2017 due date February 1; 2018 deadline not yet available
- US citizens enrolled in full-time graduate program for following year
- Professional degrees not eligible
Application Components
- 1250-2500 word essay responding to this question: ““What is the relationship between liberal education and a free society?”
- One page CV/resume
- 5-10 page “personal, philosophical, and professional autobiography”
- 5-10 page academic writing sample
- Two letters of recommendation (academic)
- Unofficial Transcripts
- Several short answers relating to applicant’s pursuit of the fellowship
- Signed declaration stating intent to teach

Professional School Scholarships
You can find a decent variety of funding sources available for specific professional programs—MBAs, Library Science degrees, MEds, MPHs, MSWs, and so on. We have some of the major professional school funding sources for various fields here, sorted alphabetically.
Christopher Hoy/ERT Scholarship
The American Library Association offers an annual scholarship to a US or Canadian citizen or permanent resident pursuing an ALA-accredited MLS program.
Award: $5,000
Due Date: March 1, 2017
- US or Canadian citizen/permanent resident
- Attending ALA-accredited Master’s degree program
- Have not completed more than 12 credit-hours towards the program before June 1 of the award year
Application Components
- Personal statement
Healthline Stronger Scholarship Program offers this scholarship program—new in 2017—to graduate students studying health-focused areas. Each year they will choose a focus condition (this past year’s was type 2 diabetes) and award two scholarships to individuals who are somehow connected to that health condition.
Award: $10,000
Due Date: Deadline for 2017 has passed, but application period was May 15-June 20th.
- Must be enrolled or planning to enroll in graduate school in the health sciences in the following fall semester
- Must be connected to the focus condition.
- Current U.S. resident
- Minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) from most recent transcript
- Show community involvement and leadership
Application Components
- Complete online application
- Most recent transcript
- Test scores
- Answers to three essay questions
James Madison Graduate Fellowships
The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation offers fellowships for people pursuing graduate studies in order to become secondary school teachers of the American Constitution.
Award: $24,000 awarded to one successful applicant from each state.
Due Date: March 1, 2017
- US Citizen with a bachelor’s degree (or about to receive a bachelor’s degree)
- Be a teacher or plan to become a teacher for grades 7-12 in the areas of American History, American Government, or other social studies topics related to the Constitution.
Application Components
- Transcripts
- Recommendations
- Essays
Tylenol Future Care Scholarship
Tylenol offers this merit-based scholarship to future healthcare professionals, including public health and health education students.
Award: $500-10,000
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Residency in US or Puerto Rico
- Enrolled in public health, health education, medical school, nursing, or pharmacy degree program with 1+ years of school left
Application Components
- College GPA
- Essay
- Academic records in health professional program
- Community service and volunteer experience

Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellowship
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund offers funds for individuals with STEM backgrounds to train as secondary-school teachers. Fellows receive funding for their graduate study in education and commit to teach for at least three years in a high-need urban or rural school district. Fellowships are currently available for schooling and teaching in Georgia and New Jersey.
- Includes admission to a partner university to prepare Fellows for teacher certification in math, science, or technology education
- $30,000 stipend
- Tuition arrangements vary by partner university campus
Due Date
Applications accepted in rounds; final round deadline for the coming year is February 26, 2017
- College-level or higher training in a STEM field
- US citizen or permanent resident
- Will have a bachelor’s degree by the commencement of the program
- GPA of at least 3.0
Application Components
- Application
- Resume
- Transcripts
- Two recommendations
Verne LaMarr Lyons Memorial MSW Scholarship
The National Social Work Foundation offers scholarships for master’s candidates in social work interested in working in African American communities.
Award: $5500
Due Date: Dates for next cycle not yet available
- Must be NASW member (see membership details; students receive a discount)
- Applied or accepted to MSW program
- GPA of 3.0 or above
Application Components
- Application form
- Biographical essay
- Two letters from professional references
- Transcript

Grad School Scholarships From Membership Organizations
Membership organizations like honor societies, sororities, and fraternities often offer graduate school scholarships. If you are a member of any organization of this type, check and see if you can get a scholarship for graduate school!
Alpha Lambda Delta Graduate Fellowships
The Alpha Lambda Delta Society, an honor society, offers 26 annual graduate fellowships to its members.
Award: $3,000-$7,500
Due Date: 2017 due date was January 31; 2018 dates not yet announced
- Alpha Lambda Delta member enrolled in or about to start a graduate or professional degree program in the US
- 3.5 or higher cumulative GPA
Application Components
- Test scores
- Transcript
- Resume
- Essays
- References
Golden Key Scholarships
The Golden Key honor society offer scholarships and fellowships for graduate student members.
Amount: Up to $10,000
Due Date: Varies by specific scholarship
Must be a Golden Key member
Application Components
Vary by scholarship

Kappa Alpha Theta Scholarships
Like many sororities and fraternities, Kappa Alpha Theta sponsors scholarships for its members, including alumnae pursuing graduate degrees.
Amount: Minimum $1000
Due Date: Typically in March
- Must be an initiated member of KAT by the application deadline
- Must have eligible academic expenses not covered by other scholarships
- Additional specific eligibility requirements for individual scholarships vary, but by submitting one application, applicants will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.
Application Components
- Application
- References
- Personal statement
Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi offers over fifty fellowships to members starting their first year of a graduate or professional program.
Amount: $5,000-$15,000
Due Date: Initial deadline is set by Phi Kappa Phi chapter, with national deadlines in April
- Active membership in Phi Kappa Phi
- Plan to enroll full-time in graduate/professional study for coming academic year
Application Components
- Recommendations
- Resume
- Short answers
- Writing Sample
- Personal Statement
- Test scores
- Transcripts

Miscellaneous Graduate School Scholarships
The following scholarships have eligibility requirements that don’t fit neatly into any other category. If you’re involved in social justice, an immigrant, a mother, an Italian-American, or someone who has been treated for a skin condition, check out this list!
Davis Putter Scholarship Fund
The Davis Putter Scholarship Fund gives need-based scholarships to students active in social and economic justice movements in the US.
Award: Up to $10,000 per year
Due Date: March 31
- Pursuing post-secondary education
- Active in social and economic justice movements in the US
Application Components
- Application form
- Personal statement
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Transcripts
- Financial information
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
This fellowship is awarded annually to 30 new Americans—immigrants or children of immigrants—who show great promise in their field.
Award: $90,000 disbursed over two years
Due Date: Nov 1, 2017
- Meet one of the following criteria:
- US citizen with two parents who were born abroad as non-citizens
- Are a naturalized citizen
- Are a green card holder
- Were adopted from a country outside the US and granted citizenship via adoption
- Were granted deferred action under DACA program
- Will be enrolled in a full-time graduate program in the United States for the following academic year. You are eligible to apply if you are already in a graduate program and you have not yet begun the third year of that program.
- You must be 30 years or younger at the application deadline (your 31st birthday must be after the deadline)
Application Components
- Transcripts
- Test scores
- Resume
- Essays
- Recommendations
Scholarships4Moms sponsors a scholarship for mothers with educational expenses.
Award: $10,000
Due Date: March 15, 2017
Mothers enrolled in postsecondary education or who currently have educational expenses to pay off
Application Components
Brief application form; winners chosen in a random drawing

Sons of Italy in America National Leadership Grants
The Sons of Italy Foundation offers grants to U.S. citizens of Italian descent pursuing undergraduate or graduate study.
Award: $4000-25,000 (funding varies by year)
Due Date: Feb 28, 2017
- US citizen with at least one Italian or Italian-American grandparent
- Enrolled for fall 2017 at accredited undergraduate or graduate institution
- Not a previous SIF scholarship winner
Application Components
- Application form
- Transcripts
- Test scores
- Resume
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Essay of 500-750 words on a personal experience related to your Italian heritage
- Processing fee
Valeant Dermatology Aspire Higher Scholarship
Valeant, a dermatology pharmaceutical company, offers scholarships for students who have been treated for dermatological conditions.
Award: Up to $10,000
Due Date: April 20, 2017
- US citizen residing in US
- Plan to attend institution of higher learning in 2017
- Have been diagnosed and treated for a dermatologic condition by a medical professional working in a dedicated dermatology practice
- Used a prescription medicine to treat the condition
Application Components
- A 500-word essay about your experience with your dermatological condition and the role the treating medical professional played
- Two letters of recommendation on your school and community activities
- Signed medical statement from treating medical professional

4 Tips for Choosing the Right Scholarship for You
Here are four tips for selecting the right scholarships for you to apply for.
Consider Your Eligibility Characteristics
At a basic level, you need to apply for scholarships you are actually eligible for. Don’t apply for a STEM scholarship if you’re getting an MFA! But your particular potential eligibility characteristics can actually help lead you to specific scholarships. Consider more common diversity characteristics like your gender, sexual orientation, and race/ethnicity. But also consider other factors: what about your religion? Your specific goals and interests? Your cultural heritage? Are you part of any membership organizations? Are there scholarships available for people from your hometown, county, or state? Do you speak a particular language or have a certain kind of volunteer experience? If you can name a personal characteristic, there’s probably a scholarship for it! And the more specific the criteria is, the less competition you’ll face.
Don’t Put All Your Eggs in One Basket
If you’re really looking for all of the funding you can get, don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. Don’t just file one application for one super-competitive full-ride scholarship and do nothing else. It’s a good idea to apply for multiple graduate school scholarships in multiple amounts and with varying competition levels. That way, you’ll be more likely to get some funding, even if you don’t get things completely covered.
Consider Deadline Timing
You want to make sure you have enough time to complete scholarships and your graduate school applications. If all of your deadlines are super-close together, you may be spreading yourself too thin. Try to pick scholarships that you can either complete in advance of the hectic application season or ones you can complete after most of your applications are done!
When you select which grad school scholarships to apply for, consider how much effort you’re putting in vs. how much funding you’ll get back. It doesn’t necessarily make sense to complete six exhaustive applications with totally different application requirements and essays that all have relatively small awards. You won’t get the best return on your application time investment in that case. That’s why it’s best both to pick scholarships that have similar application requirements, if possible. The more you can repurpose scholarship materials (including recommendations), the more you’re getting out of your time investment! And if you can re-use materials from your graduate school applications, even better!

Key Takeaways: Graduate School Scholarships
Though most graduate school scholarships come from individual educational institutions, there is funding available from other sources! We’ve compiled a great list of 46 grad school scholarships you can apply for.
With so many to choose from, what’s the best way to select which scholarships for graduate school to actually apply for? Here are 4 tips:
- Use your unique eligibility characteristics to figure out which awards you are particularly suited to apply for!
- Don’t put all your eggs in one funding basket—apply to a variety of funding sources!
- If possible, choose scholarships with spread-out dates so that you won’t be trying to file a bunch of scholarship and graduate school applications at the same time.
- When you select a portfolio of graduate school scholarships to apply for, consider the potential return on time investment. It’s most efficient to select scholarships with at least some overlapping requirements so you can reuse materials and avoid filing enormous, totally different applications for a number of small-potatoes funding sources.
What’s Next?
See our guide to finding and applying for graduate school scholarships!
Not sure which graduate school test you need to take? Let us help you decide between the GRE and the GMAT. Or see if you need to take an entrance exam for grad school at all!
If you’re still deciding whether or not to go to graduate school, we can help!
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